Aug 29, 2007
High level overview of DTCI
If you wanted to know more about DTCI (Defense Transportation Coordinator Initiative), you might want to check out this public link from SDDC – Defense Transportation Coordination Inititative Overview Briefing that provides a high-level summary presentation of the scope of the DTCI contract.
What I’d cue you into are the following slides:
Slide 4 which shows the scale of the US DoD logistics network and conservatively what the Dept. hopes to save.
Slide 7 which is the roll out plan for the DTCI contract which should give you an idea of the complexity of the network and the volume that will flow in it
Slide 8 which is the distribution of the facilities that will fall under the plan
Slide 9/28 which summarizes the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that the coordinator is expected to fulfill.
Tags: DTCI, Scope and scale of DTCI, DTCI KPIs