@ Supply Chain Management


PRTM study highlights five key supply chain challenges

SupplyChainStandard.com has an article about a PRTM study that highlights five key supply chain challenges: PRTM study highlights five key supply chain challenges.

PRTM’s study titled Lessons Learned from the Global Recession (you can download a free copy of the report by registering) outlines a very real expectation that a survey of 350 manufacturing and service companies have right now:

… believe there will be a significant upturn in demand from their customer base as well as a significant increase in company profitability over the next few years.

From the study, the population considered,

The survey population is composed of organizations from a diverse set of industries, including aerospace,  industrial and automotive equipment, consumer goods, retail, electronics and semiconductors,  telecommunications, and health care.The survey’s global nature is reflected in the response population. Nearly 40% of respondents are senior executives in supply chain management within their company, with 15% at the CXO-level. Three major geographic regions—the Americas, Europe, and Asia—are each well represented within the survey respondents. And, while nearly two-thirds of survey participants are companies with annual revenues
greater than $1 billion, more than 10% have revenues less than $100 million.

The real question is whether this expectation from the survey is from the usual appreciation of business cycles that have long been through expansions and contractions – why must this time be any different? Or is it from a collective impression that things are getting better – something rooted in empiricism or the like? Whatever, it is, it is a valuable data point. Of course, what remains to be done is to take these responses and map them against a sampling of 10-K reports of public listed companies and see whether these words are matched by their actions.

Nevertheless, the study highlights five key challenges. They are:

      1. Supply chain volatility and uncertainty have permanently increased
      2. Securing growth requires truly global customer and supplier networks
      3. Market dynamics demand regional, cost-optimized supply chain configurations
      4. Risk management involves the end-to-end supply chain
      5. Existing supply chain organization are not truly integrated and empowered

I’ll address the meat of these challenges in the next post.

About me

I am Chris Jacob Abraham and I live, work and blog from Newburgh, New York. I work for IBM as a Senior consultant in the Fab PowerOps group that works around the issue of detailed Fab (semiconductor fab) level scheduling on a continual basis. My erstwhile company ILOG was recently acquired by IBM and I've joined the Industry Solutions Group there.

@ SCM Clustrmap

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