Aug 13, 2008
The New Economics of Semiconductor Manufacturing – Part 2
In this part of The New Economics of Semiconductor Manufacturing, an article that you can find at the IEEE Spectrum site, I mean to look at the specific claims and experiences that the authors of the article had in their TPS consulting journey at the unnamed IDM. The following are the four specific "distilled" rules (that earlier Harvard researchers have conducted research on – Decoding the DNA of the Toyota Production System. My own foray into this matter is in this review – Toyota, Toyota
I agree with that quote. Costs do exist to be reduced. Unfortunately, the problem with fabs is that the yields from them start off very terribly due to small contamination problems. This problem will only increase as chips get smaller, and require smaller, more compact geometries. If companies could get cheap access to high quality vacuum, this problem would lessen greatly. This blog offers a unique solution.